######################################################################## This is the DARPA/DOE HPC Challenge Benchmark version 1.3.1 October 2003 Produced by Jack Dongarra and Piotr Luszczek Innovative Computing Laboratory University of Tennessee Knoxville and Oak Ridge National Laboratory See the source files for authors of specific codes. Compiled on Mar 18 2010 at 16:11:06 Current time (1278837538) is Sun Jul 11 01:38:58 2010 Hostname: '' ######################################################################## ================================================================================ HPLinpack 2.0 -- High-Performance Linpack benchmark -- September 10, 2008 Written by A. Petitet and R. Clint Whaley, Innovative Computing Laboratory, UTK Modified by Piotr Luszczek, Innovative Computing Laboratory, UTK Modified by Julien Langou, University of Colorado Denver ================================================================================ An explanation of the input/output parameters follows: T/V : Wall time / encoded variant. N : The order of the coefficient matrix A. NB : The partitioning blocking factor. P : The number of process rows. Q : The number of process columns. Time : Time in seconds to solve the linear system. Gflops : Rate of execution for solving the linear system. The following parameter values will be used: N : 1487304 NB : 168 PMAP : Row-major process mapping P : 80 Q : 88 PFACT : Right NBMIN : 4 NDIV : 2 RFACT : Crout BCAST : 1ringM DEPTH : 0 SWAP : Mix (threshold = 64) L1 : transposed form U : transposed form EQUIL : yes ALIGN : 8 double precision words -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The matrix A is randomly generated for each test. - The following scaled residual check will be computed: ||Ax-b||_oo / ( eps * ( || x ||_oo * || A ||_oo + || b ||_oo ) * N ) - The relative machine precision (eps) is taken to be 2.220446e-16 - Computational tests pass if scaled residuals are less than 16.0 Begin of PTRANS section. Current time (1278837538) is Sun Jul 11 01:38:58 2010 End of PTRANS section. Begin of HPL section. ================================================================================ HPLinpack 2.0 -- High-Performance Linpack benchmark -- September 10, 2008 Written by A. Petitet and R. Clint Whaley, Innovative Computing Laboratory, UTK Modified by Piotr Luszczek, Innovative Computing Laboratory, UTK Modified by Julien Langou, University of Colorado Denver ================================================================================ An explanation of the input/output parameters follows: T/V : Wall time / encoded variant. N : The order of the coefficient matrix A. NB : The partitioning blocking factor. P : The number of process rows. Q : The number of process columns. Time : Time in seconds to solve the linear system. Gflops : Rate of execution for solving the linear system. The following parameter values will be used: N : 1487304 NB : 168 PMAP : Row-major process mapping P : 80 Q : 88 PFACT : Right NBMIN : 4 NDIV : 2 RFACT : Crout BCAST : 1ringM DEPTH : 0 SWAP : Mix (threshold = 64) L1 : transposed form U : transposed form EQUIL : yes ALIGN : 8 double precision words -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The matrix A is randomly generated for each test. - The following scaled residual check will be computed: ||Ax-b||_oo / ( eps * ( || x ||_oo * || A ||_oo + || b ||_oo ) * N ) - The relative machine precision (eps) is taken to be 2.220446e-16 - Computational tests pass if scaled residuals are less than 16.0 ================================================================================ T/V N NB P Q Time Gflops -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WR01C2R4 1487304 168 80 88 52446.45 4.182e+04 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ||Ax-b||_oo/(eps*(||A||_oo*||x||_oo+||b||_oo)*N)= 0.0003491 ...... PASSED ================================================================================ Finished 1 tests with the following results: 1 tests completed and passed residual checks, 0 tests completed and failed residual checks, 0 tests skipped because of illegal input values. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Tests. ================================================================================ Current time (1278889971) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:51 2010 End of HPL section. Begin of StarDGEMM section. Current time (1278889971) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:51 2010 End of StarDGEMM section. Begin of SingleDGEMM section. Current time (1278889971) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:51 2010 End of SingleDGEMM section. Begin of StarSTREAM section. Current time (1278889971) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:51 2010 End of StarSTREAM section. Begin of SingleSTREAM section. Current time (1278889971) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:51 2010 End of SingleSTREAM section. Begin of MPIRandomAccess section. Current time (1278889971) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:51 2010 End of MPIRandomAccess section. Begin of StarRandomAccess section. Current time (1278889971) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:51 2010 End of StarRandomAccess section. Begin of SingleRandomAccess section. Current time (1278889971) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:51 2010 End of SingleRandomAccess section. Begin of MPIFFT section. Current time (1278889971) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:51 2010 End of MPIFFT section. Begin of StarFFT section. Current time (1278889971) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:51 2010 End of StarFFT section. Begin of SingleFFT section. Current time (1278889972) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:52 2010 End of SingleFFT section. Begin of LatencyBandwidth section. Current time (1278889972) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:52 2010 End of LatencyBandwidth section. Begin of Summary section. VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=3 VersionMicro=1 VersionRelease=f LANG=C Success=1 sizeof_char=1 sizeof_short=2 sizeof_int=4 sizeof_long=8 sizeof_void_ptr=8 sizeof_size_t=8 sizeof_float=4 sizeof_double=8 sizeof_s64Int=8 sizeof_u64Int=8 sizeof_struct_double_double=16 CommWorldProcs=7040 MPI_Wtick=1.000000e-06 HPL_Tflops=41.8208 HPL_time=52446.5 HPL_eps=2.22045e-16 HPL_RnormI=5.9346e-07 HPL_Anorm1=372709 HPL_AnormI=372770 HPL_Xnorm1=3.2244e+06 HPL_XnormI=13.8089 HPL_BnormI=0.5 HPL_N=1487304 HPL_NB=168 HPL_nprow=80 HPL_npcol=88 HPL_depth=0 HPL_nbdiv=2 HPL_nbmin=4 HPL_cpfact=R HPL_crfact=C HPL_ctop=1 HPL_order=R HPL_dMACH_EPS=2.220446e-16 HPL_dMACH_SFMIN=2.225074e-308 HPL_dMACH_BASE=2.000000e+00 HPL_dMACH_PREC=4.440892e-16 HPL_dMACH_MLEN=5.300000e+01 HPL_dMACH_RND=0.000000e+00 HPL_dMACH_EMIN=-1.021000e+03 HPL_dMACH_RMIN=2.225074e-308 HPL_dMACH_EMAX=1.025000e+03 HPL_dMACH_RMAX=inf HPL_sMACH_EPS=1.192093e-07 HPL_sMACH_SFMIN=1.175494e-38 HPL_sMACH_BASE=2.000000e+00 HPL_sMACH_PREC=2.384186e-07 HPL_sMACH_MLEN=2.400000e+01 HPL_sMACH_RND=0.000000e+00 HPL_sMACH_EMIN=-1.250000e+02 HPL_sMACH_RMIN=1.175494e-38 HPL_sMACH_EMAX=1.290000e+02 HPL_sMACH_RMAX=inf dweps=1.110223e-16 sweps=5.960464e-08 HPLMaxProcs=7040 HPLMinProcs=7040 DGEMM_N=-1 StarDGEMM_Gflops=-1 SingleDGEMM_Gflops=-1 PTRANS_GBs=-1 PTRANS_time=-1 PTRANS_residual=-1 PTRANS_n=-1 PTRANS_nb=-1 PTRANS_nprow=-1 PTRANS_npcol=-1 MPIRandomAccess_N=-1 MPIRandomAccess_time=-1 MPIRandomAccess_CheckTime=-1 MPIRandomAccess_Errors=-1 MPIRandomAccess_ErrorsFraction=-1 MPIRandomAccess_ExeUpdates=-1 MPIRandomAccess_GUPs=-1 MPIRandomAccess_TimeBound=-1 MPIRandomAccess_Algorithm=-1 RandomAccess_N=-1 StarRandomAccess_GUPs=-1 SingleRandomAccess_GUPs=-1 STREAM_VectorSize=-1 STREAM_Threads=1 StarSTREAM_Copy=-1 StarSTREAM_Scale=-1 StarSTREAM_Add=-1 StarSTREAM_Triad=-1 SingleSTREAM_Copy=-1 SingleSTREAM_Scale=-1 SingleSTREAM_Add=-1 SingleSTREAM_Triad=-1 FFT_N=-1 StarFFT_Gflops=-1 SingleFFT_Gflops=-1 MPIFFT_N=-1 MPIFFT_Gflops=-1 MPIFFT_maxErr=-1 MPIFFT_Procs=-1 MaxPingPongLatency_usec=-1 RandomlyOrderedRingLatency_usec=-1 MinPingPongBandwidth_GBytes=-1 NaturallyOrderedRingBandwidth_GBytes=-1 RandomlyOrderedRingBandwidth_GBytes=-1 MinPingPongLatency_usec=-1 AvgPingPongLatency_usec=-1 MaxPingPongBandwidth_GBytes=-1 AvgPingPongBandwidth_GBytes=-1 NaturallyOrderedRingLatency_usec=-1 FFTEnblk=-1 FFTEnp=-1 FFTEl2size=-1 M_OPENMP=-1 omp_get_num_threads=0 omp_get_max_threads=0 omp_get_num_procs=0 MemProc=-1 MemSpec=-1 MemVal=-1 MPIFFT_time0=0 MPIFFT_time1=0 MPIFFT_time2=0 MPIFFT_time3=0 MPIFFT_time4=0 MPIFFT_time5=0 MPIFFT_time6=0 CPS_HPCC_FFT_235=1 CPS_HPCC_FFTW_ESTIMATE=0 CPS_HPCC_MEMALLCTR=0 CPS_HPL_USE_GETPROCESSTIMES=0 CPS_RA_SANDIA_NOPT=0 CPS_RA_SANDIA_OPT2=1 CPS_USING_FFTW=0 End of Summary section. ######################################################################## End of HPC Challenge tests. Current time (1278889972) is Sun Jul 11 16:12:52 2010 ########################################################################